
Responsible for the Contents

Castillo Morales® Registered Association
represented by the Executive Board:
Katrin Brockmöller, Kerstin Gehlhaar, Andrea Stöppler, Christiane Türk, Nathalie Wolter.

Frankfurt am Main Local Court, entry 11325 in association register
Registered office: Oestricher Weg 9, 60529 Frankfurt am Main
Tax number:014-255-09300

Office (for day-to-day business):
Castillo Morales® Vereinigung e.V.
Brehmestraße 13
13187 Berlin

Tel:  +49(0)30 – 80205197
Fax: +49(0)30 – 80205198

Account for donations:
Commerzbank Frankfurt
Sort code: 500 400 00, Account No.: 630 526 201
IBAN: DE67 5004 0000 0630 5262 01
Castillo Morales® Vereinigung

Bank data for membership fees:
Sort code: 630 526200, account No.: 50040000
IBAN: DE67 5004 0000 0630 5262 00

Articles of the Castillo Morales® Vereinigung e.V. (in german)
Trademark statutes (in german)

All information, texts, programs, diagrams, images and other data on this website are subject to copyright. Provided no other intellectual property rights apply, this information, etc. is the property of the publisher of this website. Copying or using in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the explicit agreement of the authors.

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