Castillo Morales®-Concept
What is the Castillo Morales® Concept?
Children or adults looking for therapeutic support in dealing with day-to-day problems because many of their bodily activities are impaired as a result of congenital diseases or handicaps find a distinctive form of this support in the Castillo Morales® concept. The concept provides the patients with individually adapted support, which can improve their autonomy when carrying out important day-to-day activities and hence increase their chances of leading a full life.
The Castillo Morales® therapists achieve this together with their patients by developing ideas for communicating with the absolute minimum hindrance – coming to terms with the situation at every age as the patient gets older, taking in and influencing the surroundings. One aspect of the total development of the patient that therapists consider to be particularly important is the patient attaining the ability to eat and drink and hence, in spite of handicaps or illnesses, controlling in the best possible way his day-to-day activities.